There is no celebration like this in the three worlds.
Witnessing the divine procession of the embodied form of the Supreme Lord at sunrise on Kartik Purnima ignites a longing to see it again each year. Adorned with a crown of various flowers, dressed in yellow garments, wearing Rudraksha beads on the wrists, arms, and neck, covered in holy ash, and holding sacred flames in both hands—the procession embodies the very form of the Supreme.
Chanting the name of Lord Mahankaleshwar dispels all negativities such as desire and anger. Just one sight of Shiva brings spiritual benefits, wealth, purpose, and liberation. If the soul receives Lord Shiva’s grace, it is freed from the cycle of birth and death. The glory of Lord Mahankaleshwar in Sasur is profound, and this festival is unmatched. Devotees from the region gather for the five-day Mahankaleshwar Yatra festival, which begins on Kartik Purnima, with the main highlight being the grand procession at sunrise.
Seeing the divine form of the Supreme Lord in this procession just once fills devotees with a longing to witness it every year. Thus, no one who attends once ever misses it again. Adorned with a crown of flowers, wearing yellow garments, Rudraksha beads, holy ash, and carrying sacred flames, the divine figure is accompanied by followers, flags, the flame of ral, the sound of conch shells, and auspicious hymns as it circles the temple, marking the beginning of the festival. Prayers and offerings are then brought to the temple with great festivity, and the village youth present traditional performances. As the evening draws near, the procession resumes with more bhajans and kirtans. The festival committee also arranges various entertainment events for the visitors.
This five-day festival concludes with a grand feast. This much-awaited event, cherished by the women, children, and wrestlers of the village, is an opportunity to reconnect with friends and family. The Mahankaleshwar Yatra Festival, famous in the region, brings joy and inspiration for the coming year. Devotion to Lord Mahankaleshwar illuminates the mind, honors the ancestors, calms the heart, and removes hardships. Living with Shiv-Tattva (the essence of Shiva) can help us navigate the world wisely. Even creatures of opposing nature reside harmoniously with Lord Shiva, and witnessing Mahankaleshwar fills one's life with purpose and blessings.